"All Disney. One Musical"
Disney's The Magic Box, a theatrical experience developed in association with Disney Theatrical Group, presented by Fever, together with Proactiv Entertainment and RGB, and produced by leading local promoter Showtime Management, recently announced the world premiere of its English-language production. The show, featuring an all-South African cast and crew, opens…
Opening at Artscape, Cape Town from Wednesday, 06 March 2024, for a limited season and thereafter moving to Montecasino's Teatro, Johannesburg opening on Friday, 12 April 2024, the all-South African stellar cast of the new look production of MAMMA MIA! will be "singing out loud" for "somewhere in the crowd, there's you". Tickets are on sale at www.showtime.co.za and www.ticketmaster.co.za
Produced by…
The Intimate Evening Series, a collaboration between Liberty and leading local promoter Showtime Management are proud to announce "An Intimate Evening with Lalah Hathaway", a four-concert tour presented by Liberty at Montecasino's Teatro, Johannesburg on Friday, 19 January and Saturday, 20 January at 8pm and a 6pm concert on Sunday, 21 January 2024. The Cape…