On Sunday, 10 October, we observe ‘Mental Health Awareness Day’. Sponsored by the World Health Organisation (WHO), it is an annual awareness campaign with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and mobilising efforts to support mental well-being, prevent mental ill-health, respond to mental distress and reduce inequalities and discrimination. …
Tuesday, 21 September is World Alzheimer’s Day – a day in which organisations around the world focus their efforts on raising awareness for Alzheimer’s and dementia. “Every three seconds, someone in the world develops dementia,” says Dr Heather Rauch, a clinical social worker with her doctorate in social work, and member of SAASWIPP (South African Association for…
Observed annually on 10 September since 2003, ‘Suicide Prevention Day’ calls on global commitment and actions in the quest to try and help prevent suicides. Whilst historically taboo, discussions around suicide and suicide itself have become increasingly less so in recent years, with far greater access to information and a much deeper understanding about suicide…