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Summer is on, so get into the summer groove. Even though this year summer activities and celebrations may be a little different, due to social distancing and limited occupancy levels, it doesn’t mean that fun, laughter and making special memories is off the cards.
“This summer is just another learning curve, and as a resilient nation it won’t take long for us to find ways to enjoy summer as we always have,” comments Alexa Wilding, senior brand manager for Everysun. “All it takes is a little imagination, the necessary precautions and summer is back on.”
There are many alternative ways to enjoy summer this year without limiting yourself to virtual experiences and hazmat suit apparel. “Summer is all about relaxing, enjoying yourself and spending time with those you care about the most, and that is exactly what you should be aiming for,” explains Wilding.
Wilding suggests six tips on how to have a summer to remember while keeping safe:
- It’s time for a picnic. There are many COVID safe picnicking areas, and this is a great way to enjoy the outdoors with your favourite snacks, without being too close to other families in the area. Maintaining a safe distance is always a good idea, and a picnic is the perfect activity for this.
- Have a braai… but DON’T overdo the guest list. It is very easy to plan a braai and have the guest list get out of control. Be selective about who you are inviting, by making sure that they follow the same safety precautions as you do.
- Go for a run or a bike ride. Exercise hasn’t been cancelled, and whether it is with your family, friends or alone, to keep a positive mindset and a healthy body taking part in an outdoor exercise regime is the way to go.
- Outdoor farmer’s markets are safe activities for the summer holidays, but remember to keep your mask on, and always maintain a safe distance.
- Camp out in the backyard. If you are spending your summer at home that doesn’t mean you can’t experience the great outdoors. Set up a tent; make s’mores, roast marshmallows, tell ghost stories and star gaze. The best of camping, with your own bathroom nearby.
- Drive-in movies are making a comeback. So, pack the kids in the car, or have an overdue date night and watch a movie in the comfort of your car. If you have an SUV or hatch back, fill it with cushions and blankets and watch the movie in your makeshift lounge with the boot up.
Over summer, while relaxing, it is easy to forget that precautions still need to be upheld, and it is important to remember to social distance, wear a mask, and wash and sanitise your hands. Another safety precaution while enjoying all outdoor summer activities is sunscreen.
Protecting your skin from the sun should be done all year round with an increase during summer. Everysun’s range of sunscreen, including their new sensitive variant, is suitable for all ages, skin types and activities. It leaves no white residue, is non-greasy, contains Vita-Lock™ and promotes even tone skin. The Everysun Family Lotion is also available in a 400ml bottle, which will keep you protected for longer.
“Skin damage caused by the sun can be avoided when the proper sunscreen protection is applied throughout the day,” says Wilding. “Don’t let skin damage and sunburn put a damper on your summer plans.”
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