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Capetonians called on to help break sarmie challenge record to feed the hungry
Capetonians are invited to make history with Ladles of Love on Mandela Day by spending their 67 minutes and joining forces as a city to break the current world record set in SA last year of 107 418 sandwiches made in an hour.
“We’re challenging the whole Cape Peninsula to get involved in our live Facebook challenge from their homes to help us collectively make 125,000 sandwiches in just one hour – which we will then distribute to the hungry to eat that afternoon,” says Ladles of Love founder Danny Diliberto. “Every day is Mandela day, so we are inviting people to assist in changing the Covid-19 story by helping us break the record and be part of something great to show the true spirit of Ubuntu.”
Since the start of lockdown, Capetonians have generously donated over 1.5 million home-made sandwiches for the Ladles of Love Sandwich Drive to be distributed to hungry people across the Western Cape.
“We are aiming to set a new world record of the most sandwiches made in one hour,” says Samara Stern, the volunteer who started the Ladles of Love Sandwich Drive. “While the record attempt is exciting, our main aim is to continue to change the Covid-19 story by feeding millions of people in communities that are in dire need during this challenging time.”
She continues: “Join the Ladles of Love Mandela Day World Record-Breaking Sandwich-Making attempt now, and let’s truly honor the legacy of Madiba. Together we can ensure that thousands of people don’t go to bed hungry on Mandela Day.”
Start your participation by visiting this link to register!
Each person* will receive a free Mandela Day ‘sandwich making kit’ consisting of five loaves of SASKO bread and a 900gm tin of Rhodes Quality jam which can be collected from your nearest depot between 9:00 – 17:00 Friday 17th July.
The bread and jam for the 2500 kits have generously been supplied in partnership with SASKO and Rhodes Quality Jam.*
Everyone who registers to volunteer to help break the World Record, will be sent a link to join the live 67minute virtual sandwich-making attempt, via Zoom or our social media platforms on the 18th July between 10h00 and 11h00.
Participants can then pop their sandwiches back into the original bread bags and reseal them to drop back at their nearest special Mandela Day depot between 11h00 and 13h00 on the same day.
Drivers will then collect the sandwiches from the depots and take them to the Ladles of Love distribution centre at Sun Exhibits, GrandWest Casino and Entertainment World, where our auditors will tally up the total number of sandwiches made.
Participants will be able to tune back onto our social media channels that afternoon for the exciting results.
“Every sandwich made that day will go towards feeding a hungry person and helping us with our mission to feed 10,000,000 people,” Stern adds.
“When communities join together to show we care, we all make the world a better place,” says Le-Anne Engelbrecht, Marketing Executive for SASKO at Pioneer Foods. “The partnership with Ladles of Love is a natural fit for SASKO as it represents the core of our brand values which is to care and serve our communities by delivering quality products every day. We are proud to be a part of this initiative that aims to feed millions of people and want to encourage all Capetonians to participate.”
#MandelaDay #67minutes #HumanityInAction #CTLoved
#SASKOSandwichDrive #SASKO
Click here to register your participation now.
For more information or questions, visit the Ladles of Love Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages or call our hotline number 021 201 1244
*note: while stocks last